主营品牌: | 玛莎拉蒂 |
店面级别: | 4S店 |
所在城市: | 广州 |
销售范围: | 售全国,可销往全国 |
咨询电话: | 400-972-8176 拨打电话 |
店面地址: | 珠江新城海清路1-48号(猎德派出所对面) |
珠江新城展厅:020-6681 8558
白云同和展厅:020-3616 4080
玛莎拉蒂4S服务中心:020-6621 7588
Corporate History & Company Mission:
Denker Group is one of the largest automotive dealership groups in Hong Kong and Mainland China,the Group was found in 1992 and now owns a comprehensive 4S dealership networks covering most of the major nations and cities of China.
The Group is the distributor of numbers renowned auto brands including Ducati, Ferrari & Maserati, Mercedes Benz, Lexus and Toyota. In 2010, our annual sales volume achieved 16,000 units and turnover was near 5 billion RMB. The total service throughputs were near 170,000 units.
Our mission is to be the well-established and reputed automotive dealership groups. We seek to produce financial rewards to shareholders, to maintain long-term good relationship with our ultimate customers and suppliers, to provide opportunities for growth to our employees and enrichment to the communities in which we operate.